2018 projects

In 2018, Fiona was contracted to work on seven projects plus others. Additional to the four featured below she designed and facilitated the two-day ‘Grow the Growers workshop’ for Australian Native Food Industries), provided information and planning for the Kanpi - Nyapari Indigenous Protected Area (for Anangu Pitjantjatjara Anthropology section), and prepared and co-presented the opening keynote speech invited by the Australian Entomology Society conference. For talks, reports and films from these projects see Fiona’s Communications.

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Review of Aboriginal Ranger program

Fiona Walsh and Miles Holmes were contracted by Central Land Council to write up their decadal review of the CLC Ranger program in 2017. A comprehensive final report with statements from the rangers, qualitative and quantitative analysis was well-received. CLC then synthesised it with a parallel research review to produce an eight page glossy flier ‘Benefits of Ranger Work’ for public and policy makers.


Country to Classroom: two-way science activities and films

Fiona Walsh and David Nixon were contracted by CSIRO and Wiluna Remote Community School. As an ethnnoecologist, Fiona helped design student class room activities related to Nganamarra (Mallee Fowl) and Bird week. David and Fiona made two engaging films ‘Relationships and Language’ and ‘Learning Together’. Deservedly, Wiluna School later won the WA Education Department award for Excellence in Aboriginal Education. Our films were viewed in the nomination assessment process. This contract led to further work for CSIRO to edit and contribute units for two-way science teaching and curricula.


Old Animals - Old Stories project

Australian Wildlife Conservancy are reintroducing eight rare and threatened species to Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary, Northern Territory. AWC Newhaven work in close collaboration with Warlpiri, Luritja and Pintupi Rangers and Traditional Owners. This pilot project was focussed on desktop research to document cultural stories associated with the first reintroduction species Mala (Rufous hare wallaby). Fiona and Miles Holmes conducted a review.

Fiona assisted AWC and Central Land Council on a journey with Traditional Owners to the Mala genesis site and other Mala song line sites on Newhaven. Fiona and CLC staff collaborated to produce a photo report for Traditional Owners ‘Mawurrungu is Where the Mala Come from…’ This work will continue with an application for a research permit and funding partnerships.

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Stronger Aboriginal Roles in Bush Foods industry

Aboriginal harvesters gathered to network, share accounts of their work and identify priorities to strengthen the benefits as critical suppliers of wild foods to the Australian industry. Fiona was contracted for a third time by the Northern Territory Government to design, facilitate and report upon the week-long workshop. Her long history and expertise were central to hearing the strong voices of Aboriginal women.

Three informative reports were produced from this project. The report ‘All the Women Who are Seed Collectors’ is with the NTG for review. We look forward to the implementation of recommendations from the women harvesters.

For information on other recent projects see the Communications tab.